Legendary Player
Lawrie Reilly
Lawrie Reilly stands, alongside Bobby Johnstone, Gordon Smith, Eddie Turnbull, and Willie Ormond, as one of Hibs’ legendary forward line, the ‘Famous Five’. Winner of back-to-back league championships in 1951 and 1952 with the Hibees, Reilly scored 22 goals in 38 games for Scotland.
Lawrie Reilly
Position(s) Forward
Birthplace Edinburgh, Scotland
Date of birth 28/10/1928
Clubs Hibernian
Lawrie Reilly stands, alongside Bobby Johnstone, Gordon Smith, Eddie Turnbull, and Willie Ormond, as one of Hibs’ legendary forward line, the ‘Famous Five’. Winner of back-to-back league championships in 1951 and 1952 with the Hibees, Reilly scored 22 goals in 38 games for Scotland.